I enjoyed this piece. I can see Don Quixote de la Mancha riding onwards to some fabricated adventure while listening to this. I really don't have much to say because the song is simple at what it does and its style is obvious, so there's no need for me to tell you something you already know.
I never criticize someone by the programs they use or the quality of their production, but I can't help but point out one simple flaw in this song. At 1:37 and on, the excitement that I'm sure you're wanting to build is cut in half by the quality of the samples used here. I'm pretty sure I know which program you used at this point, so I know the limitations you are restricted to. But don't let such things discourage you. I was furious at the ending of my song (which was non-existent) but the amount of effort and devotion that was poured into the music is what matters the most, whether the listeners/judges are aware of it or not.
As long as you and I continue to do our best to lift other people up instead of ourselves, we will be rewarded greatly. I'm sure you agree that this website could use some direction, and the more your music expresses selfless, devoted, and hard work, the better the reward. People on this site appreciate good quality work, and we can use that to our advantage.
But anyways, I really enjoyed this song. I'll keep in touch.