QoE seems to be taking a long time, doesn't it? Well, I've had to add and change things in the game's script. Trust me, I'm not wasting my time either. I'm making sure this game will be worth playing, and I'm making sure the game's artwork is only top notch quality. I guess it's about time I post some valuable information about the game to keep you informed.
-The game will be placed in a fantasy-type world called Celestria and in the province of Domhail.
- The game will be 3rd person adventure. It'll be kind of like Griswold the Goblin or Hewitt.
- I plan on adding RPG elements into the game.
- Combat will be featured in the second part of the game.
- The story and design is completely from my imagination, so expect something different.
- Controlling Ferlon will be simple and easy to use. You may use the keyboard or mouse to move him (thanks to phantasmagor's revolutionary pathwalking system).
- Pointing and clicking just got easier! With QoE, interacting with the world is just one click away and you choose what Ferlon shall do.
- The game will feature unique dialogue options, along with easy to use inventory.
- The entire game will feature famous voice actors you know and love.
- The game's musical score is composed and directed by me. It will also feature the Johnson City Symphony in some parts. You may hear an example of them Here.
- The game will test your wits and sense. You will dwell into a world of corrupt pride, where only you and a few others see the truth. There will be much on your agenda and you must understand that some things in Celestria are not truly what they appear to be.
The game's release will still be a while away. I can't exactly give a release date at the moment, but I can say that it should be released this year, though again I can't say when. The first part's design is complete, the character art seems to be coming along nicely, the music is complete, the game's initial engine is complete, and voice acting has been completely assembled. Developing the scenes and backgrounds is what's taking so long. I definitely could use help in this department to speed things up, as I only have one BG artist working on the game. Since I mentioned help, and if you're up for the task, I think I should list some things you can do for me below:
- Animation (Animating Backgrounds)
- Background Artwork
- Art Editing
- Misc. Artist (Icons, interact-able items, etc.)
If you think you may be able to help, leave me a pm or a comment.